The best way to predict the future is to create it - Peter Drucker
“Africa has the youngest and fastest growing workforce on the planet and with its massive natural resources, including arable land and critical mineral assets, it can develop the first green industrial civilization, greening global manufacturing and supply chains and removing carbon from the air. Africa is perhaps the only region today, ironically on account of its low development base that can truly achieve green growth, and economic growth without growing emissions, or even keeping emissions constant, but actively addressing the reduction of emissions and the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.” - Prof. Yemi Osinbajo
It is generally believed that climate action and economic growth are incompatible, that is to realize effective climate action, you must sacrifice growth. This is a price African youth are not willing to pay, as they are the generation that will live through the consequences of climate change. It is time to collaborate, think outside the box and bring in youth engagement because these are the avenues economic growth and effective climate action can work together.
In recent years, African youth have become more proactive and involved to the contribution of sustainable development and mitigating climate change impacts on the continent. They are promoting renewable energy, fostering sustainable health and agriculture, advocating for environmental conservation, and addressing socio-economic inequalities exacerbated by climate change through grassroots projects to drive positive change and shape a more sustainable and resilient future for the continent.
Future Perspectives is committed to ensuring that African youth are well informed and educated on climate science and its impact on local communities through the Africa Future Earth Initiative (AFEI). This will empower real grassroots solutions to combat climate crisis on the continent.
We are determined to shape the earth we need and deserve, the Africa Future Earth!
Driving Climate Positive Growth for African Youth

African Youth Cannot Wait!
Focus Areas
Support Green Education Curricula for primary and secondary education.
Train teachers on climate action and best practices on green education.
Interactive dialogues to raise awareness on climate challenges and identify possible solutions.
Build capacity and mobilize resources to the to help mitigate the climate crisis.
Use AFEI platform to recognize grassroots solutions that will have positive impact in solving Africa’s climate issues.
Foster scalable innovative solutions in Clean Energy, Clean Air, Manage Waste by African youth that will have significant positive impact on the continent with climate financing support.
Foster creativity in telling African climate stories from youth perspective through community engagement and representation using multimedia storytelling approaches.
Use the platform to propel the next generation of creative arts talent in cinematography through investigative journalism to support climate change.
Partner with development & global organizations that believe in the same goals as AFEI. We need global collaboration.
Secure funding to support AFEI initiatives and AFEI Prize. Commitments to investments and capital are required.
Current Projects
Climate Storytelling
Rural Access Project
Clean Cooking Initiative
Positive Climate Growth

AFE Alliance Partners
Africa Future Earth Initiative is supported by individuals and organizations who believe in the vision of AFEI and help amplify our message across the continent and the world. Together, we forge a coalition of partners that shape Africa’s Future Earth.
Become an AFEI Alliance Partner
We need your support to create impact on the continent through your resources, networks and platform. Our goals are the same, to have a better earth for the future generation. Help us achieve this!
Future Perspectives is an official member of the Greening Education Partnership. It is a UNESCO led global initiative that takes a whole-of-system approach to support countries to tackle climate crisis by harnessing the critical role of education. As a collaborative platform for governments and other stakeholders including inter-governmental organizations, civil society, youth, academia, and private sector, Greening Education Partnership aims to deliver strong, coordinated and comprehensive action that will prepare every learner to acquire the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes to tackle climate change and to promote sustainable development.
Future Perspectives will continue to work on initiatives that support the four pillars of UNESCO’s initiative:
Greening Schools
Greening Curriculum
Greening Teacher training and Education Systems’ Capacities
Greening Communities
Future Perspectives is an official member of the Sustainable Finance Investment Network (SFIN) for Nigeria. This is under the Sustainable Investment Accelerator (SIA). Officially launched in November 2022, SIA is a platform designed to help countries meet their national commitments in alignment with the Paris Agreement to help achieve an equitable and resilient net-zero economy. The Sustainable Finance Investment Network (SFIN) brings together a diverse set of finance seekers, finance providers, and other ecosystem actors from a variety of sectors and markets to increase investment in climate solutions. These firms represent a broad spectrum of climate expertise, institutional capabilities, and regional experience. The SFIN is used to share opportunities to partner with USAID under the SIA.