
Future Perspectives and UNESCO IESALC hosted a virtual interactive dialogue with young EdTech innovators in Nigeria, as part of the capacity building component of the United Nations’ Global Youth Initiative. The theme for the event was EdTech for Transforming Education in Nigeria and it:

  • Explored how Nigerian youth are adopting EdTech to innovate their own learning paths through higher education and their transition to the labor market.

  • Discussed how is EdTech being incorporated within Higher Education Institutions and what are the main challenges for its meaningful adoption by learners and teachers.

  • Analyzed how EdTech is contributing or can further contribute to democratize access to higher education.

  • Analyzed how EdTech is contributing or can further contribute to enhance quality of higher education.

  • Explored the main challenges – social, economic, infrastructural, legal – EdTech innovators face in Nigeria to implement and scale their creations.

Six youth and partner stakeholders from different backgrounds and levels of engagement in EdTech, such as practitioners, creators, advocator, and policymakers participated in the event.

The results of the dialogue and global mapping survey helped provide direction for ITET curriculum and establishing an EdTech Fellowship Program.